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3 rooms apartment, 66 m²

821 01, Bratislava - Ružinov

Ponúkame Vám na predaj 3 izbový byt na Muškátovej ulici v Ružinove, priamo pri OC Retro. Je situovaný na 4/8 posch. zatepleného bytového domu s výťahom a má výmeru 66 m2.

Byt je veľký, presvetlený, pozostáva z priestrannej vstupnej chodby, kuchyne, obývačky, dvoch veľkých izieb, samostatného WC a kúpeľne. K bytu prináleží murovaná pivnica na medziposchodí o výmere 1,5m2. Orientácia bytu sever - juh, byt má z oboch strán veľmi pekný výhľad na zeleň.

Skvelá lokalita, kompletná občianska vybavenosť, OC Retro, školy, škôlky, detské ihriská, reštaurácie, kaviarne.

Výborné napojenie na diaľničný obchvat a do centra mesta.

By je kúpou voľný a je okamžite k dispozícii na nasťahovanie.

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Property type 3 rooms apartment
Area 66 m²
Cellar Yes
Floor 4/8
Elevator Yes
Status Reserved

Real estate reconstruction

Every month, the design department of REINS Home creates new housing for our clients. We focus on timeless design, purposefulness, quality workmanship and reasonable prices. Thanks to our well-established process, proven procedures and experience with a large number of reconstructions, we can reliably design and provide you with your dream home.

  • Renovation of REINS Home is turnkey

  • You can partially change the renovation before and during the construction work

  • We can turn the property into the standard or even furnish it

  • You have the option to order a Smart Home package (lighting, audio)

  • We have already renovated more than 100 properties

Arrange a consultation
Ing. Blanka Ondrušová

Renovation manager of this property

Financing options

REINS Finance offers a wide range of real estate refinancing options. We have considerable experience in solving complex situations.

  • Financing also for reconstruction and furniture

  • Possibility to exchange the old property for a new one

  • Solving complex situations

  • Free solvency analysis

Arrange a consultation
Benjamín Šipoš

Mortgage consultant • REINS Finance

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